Q & A
Laser Hair Removal Consultation & Information Package:
1. How Does Laser Work?
Laser hair removal uses light energy to target the melanin in the hair heating it up to destroy the hair bulb, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. The Elite iQ has two types of wavelengths (755 Alexandrite, or the 1064 nd:Yag) which can treat all skin types year round, even tanned skin as long as it’s not in an active tan state.
2. What is the Skintel® Reader?
The Skintel® melanin reader is the only FDA approved melanin reader designed to be used with the Elite iQ system for objective measurement of the melanin content of your skin. It provides guidance for test spot settings. Coupling the clinical judgement of the laser technician and the Skintel® Reader, you will have a very customized laser treatment optimized for your hair and skin. This will safeguard against any adverse side effects.
3. What is the Cyro 6 Zimmer Cooling System?
The Cryo 6 is the cold air device from the world leader, Zimmer Aesthetics Division.
The Cryo 6 is intended to minimize pain and thermal injury during laser and dermatological treatments and for temporary topical anesthetic relief.
Unlike other cooling methods, such as contact cooling, cryogen spray or ice packs, the Cryo 6 can cool the epidermis before, during and after the laser energy has been applied, without interfering with the laser beam. It can be adjusted from minus 5 to minus 30 degrees for optimal relief.
Studies have shown that chilling with the Cryo 6 cold air device reduces the patient’s pain sensitivity and minimizes the side effects of laser treatments. This means much better tolerance of the treatment. My clients do exclaim they can hardly feel the treatment, so I say it’s working!
4. What is the hair growth cycle and how does it affect laser’s effectiveness?
All body hair moves through three stages of growing, resting, and shedding called the hair growth cycle. These stages are called Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen respectively. When hair is in the Anagen (growing) cycle, the hair bulb is attached, and the growth cells can be destroyed. Once it moves into resting phase, the hair bulb is not attached, and the laser can not destroy the hair bulb. It is only during the Anagen (growing) stage that the hair reacts to laser light. The goal of hair removal is for the laser light to penetrate the hair follicle during the anagen phase to achieve long term results. Different regions of the body have different growth cycles with different percentages in anagen stage at any treatment time, which explains why 6-8 sessions may be needed to see full hair reduction. The Elite iQ has clinical test results showing a 79% hair reduction after 3 treatments which is exceptional compared to other lasers on the market. Results vary for individuals however based on hormones and medical history. The hair will grow back slower, finer, and less dense with each laser hair removal treatment. You may or may not need to shave between treatments.
5. Is the hair removal permanent with laser treatment?
The Elite iQ can achieve permanent hair reduction in only a few sessions. It targets a precise wavelength of light at the melanin in your hair follicles, heating the follicle until its ability to grow new hair is reduced or destroyed. For some people the reduction is permanent, and others may need a touch up session every 6-12 months. Each person is different and various medical or hereditary factors will contribute to its effectiveness and how many sessions you will need to achieve full reduction.
6. How do lasers work on different hair and skin colors?
Laser hair removal works best with pigmented hair. White and grey hair are not candidates for laser hair removal due to lack of melanin (so don’t wait!). Light red and blonde, due to the type of melanin (pheomelanin) usually are not a candidate but depending on what hair you want removed and its pigment / ethnicity combination, it may be possible, so a consultation and hair test is the best way to determine if your hair can be treated. If there is any doubt, I can use a small sample of trimmed hair to test with the laser to see its reaction to the melanin in the sample before any treatment plan is scheduled. The Elite iQ can work on all skin types year-round regardless of skin melanin.
7. How many laser treatments will be needed?
§ The common treatment plan is 6-8 treatments spaced 4-10 weeks apart depending on the body area being treated. Laser can only target hair in the Anagen growth phase and usually 30% of hairs are in Anagen at a time. The face, bikini, and underarms usually require treatments 4-6 weeks apart, and the back and legs are 8-10 weeks apart.
§ Results vary depending on the amount of hair to start, the hormones balance, medications, and /or other personal factors. More treatments may be needed, and results are monitored during treatment for best results.
8. What should you do before laser treatments? Follow these guidelines for best results:
§ Keep treatment area away from the sun and tanning beds for 1-2 weeks, and don’t use self tanner for one month prior to treatment. Do not pluck, wax, sugar, epilate, or use depilatories one month prior,
§ One month prior to laser appointment, stop using the following: photosensitizing topical creams or products that may irritate the skin, use glycolic acid or lactic acid, salicylic acids (beta hydroxy acids), Resorsinol or any of its derivatives (Retin A, Retinol, Renova, Tretinoic Acid, and Vitamin A acid) and Trichloracetic acid (TCA), and do not receive medical or esthetics peels,
§ Accutane must be discontinued 6 months prior to laser treatments,
§ Keep skin hydrated, treat any blackheads, and acne breakouts,
§ Shave 1 day prior to treatment, avoid cutting or nicking skin when shaving. Pre heat & use a good shaving cream,
§ Avoid heavy moisturizers or deodorant on skin day of treatment,
§ Avoid any other esthetic treatments that may irritate or make the skin sensitive.
9. What are the contraindications and sensitivities to be aware of? The following may cause adverse effects:
§ Visible skin lesions, sores, open wounds, tattoos or permanent make up in area to be treated. Laser treatments may work around site giving a 1–2-inch border,
§ Skin Photosensitivity: Lupus, Atopic Dermatitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, Rosacea
§ Photosensitizing Topical creams or Oral Supplements such as: Accutane (wait 6 months after stopped), Steroid therapy,
§ Use of Citrus essential oils such as orange, lemon, mandarin, lime, and bergamot. (Wash off and wait 48 hours before treatment).
§ Prescribed Retinol-A, Retinol and Concentrated A causes photosensitivity – stop and wait one month. Over the counter on a low dose is not a contraindication.
§ Malaria medication and topical skin creams for bacterial infections, Doxycycline, Tetracycline, Minomycin: “cylin” antibiotics treat acne and rosacea and cause photosensitivity. Must patch test to ensure proper settings.
§ Vitiligo (Hypopigmentation): Not candidates for laser
§ Other medical conditions and medications will be discussed at consultation if they are of concern,
Puberty: must be 18 and older
Pacemaker: Treatments will not be performed unless manufacturer confirms in writing that it is safe to perform laser hair removal.